Presidential Sins

by Darrell Jenkins



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 08/10/1998

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9780738801698
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9780738801704

About the Book

So many times during the course of living, life tends to knock one down. Others may act as a hindrance but mostly it is our own selves that do us in. It is in this revelation that I submit this story of Jack O'Neal, who happens to become President of the United States.

What caused the events that have led up to his impending impeachment are somewhat mysterious. In this world, money, sex, drugs, power, influence, and control are what churn the wheels of America. Where justice is neither fair nor equal, nor is she blind. You will soon read how she can be manipulated to serve the purpose of a few. She can build or ruin and individual.

This is the story about the triumph of an individual, Jack O'Neal, who succeeded despite sex scandals, drugs, money, depression, an Independent Prosecutor, & suicide. Throughout this short story you should notice his clear and focused goal. Even though it is misplaced never the less it shows the power that a clear and focused goal has in guiding and directing ones action. Without further adieu, this is Presidential Sins.

About the Author

The author, also an inventor, currently works as a Media Specialists/Supervisor at a University in North Louisiana.