At 62 years of age, Patrick Lerma whom has not ever married and whom, since August of 1968, has lived, for most of the time, in Reserve, New Mexico, knows that in art, it is a fact that abstract previews art. For example, if a small area of, for example a realistic painting is shown; it is seen as depicting abstraction. As far as writing, is concerned, an entire piece of writing is called a piece, because there is always something lacking in knowledge; therefore, an entire piece of writing doesn't have to be summarized or doesn't have to be itself a summary, in order to be called a piece.
On account that there is always something lacking in knowledge; therefore, it is, in actuality, ignorance, even though it is entire or complete.
Description, which is a discourse in literature, is to picture.
A gold brick melted and molded into a statue is valued more than when it was a gold brick, even though as a gold brick, it was invariably a work of art. The increased value is due to, inevitably information, which is not exclusive to a famous artist; in this case sculptor. The fact that gold, jewelry and particularly paintings "are" money, includes the reality of increased value,--and that reality conveys that information or description is more readily conveyed; rather than by the art, such as a picture, it is conveyed emphatically by writing,----even before it becomes literature,--or currency money, especially circulated paper money.
In The Stations of the Cross, you can weigh the written paper and it takes up space, while a thought cannot be weighed and takes up no space.
Jesus empathized with people whom were living life, but he did not represent them. As far as people whom did not live life; whom did not have a consummating relationship, starting while young, is concerned, they are discarded, because love, whether there is procreation or not, is for the survival of mankind; therefore, anything not for the survival of mankind is, in whatever way, destroyed. Jesus going through pain and suffering; he knew what it was to go through pain and suffering. Those whom went through pain and suffering and did not know what pain and suffering was; that was because they had what Jesus didn't have; they had a consummating relationship, starting while young. (Youth and love are irrefutably inseparable.) Jesus does not represent even those like him, because any reality that is not for the survival of mankind, is, in whatever way, destroyed. To say that Jesus empathized with people who were living life is superficial, because he didn't represent them. He didn't represent his generation, and nor any generation thereafter, whom lived life, like his generation lived life.
One reason why Patrick Lerma wrote THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS was because he felt that people would reject the conveyance in THE DIVINE LETTERS that God was the conspirator; that he planned; that he "conspired" the Crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore, the one reason why Patrick Lerma wrote THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS was in order to impart to people how brutal the Crucifixion was, aside the fact that Patrick Lerma romanticized parts of the Crucifixion and parts of the Crucifixion procedures that lead to the Crucifixion's nailing on the cross conditions. Moreover, forgiving mankind's sins was from God; it was God's atonement to mankind; therefore, the Crucifixion of Jesus didn't have to be. God knew beforehand that mankind would sin, but yet God created mankind, anyway. Therefore, mankind is forgiven of sin. Furthermore, Jesus could have resurrected three days after a death of old age, from the society having provided for him a decent living. What the Crucifixion was, in actuality, all about, was the society's failure to provide a decent life for everyone; in this case for Jesus, and to develop a sense of social responsibility in its citizens.