Pages of Man

by Mark Laurie



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 01/05/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781436329972

About the Book

There have always been two sides to every soul. One light, playful, easily amused while the other is darker and well, dangerous, at times scary and brooding. Each has pinnacle moments that define it. That’s what you’ll be visiting. Here the journey is often experiential, you slip into the skin of the moment, living the experience. Other times you’re a bystander, watching through a portal, seeing joy or chaos parading past, opening up a moment to look at it, unaffecting it, just watching it play out, considering the point of view. You’ll step seamlessly into the past only to discover it’s a relevant comment on today. At times you will be surprised at whose point of view you’re holding when the flow of words twists around a bend revealing it. You’ll drift back to an expression of insights chuckling at the depth you had missed the first time through. There is a purity of discovery here, a curiously innocent mind wandering through the arena of a very old soul, poking beneath rocks and into rainbows. Finding, examining, experiencing, growing and understanding what moves men’s souls Your curious mind will find riches in both sides of the soul here.

About the Author