Blurry Images

by Rico Gill



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 02/04/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 145
ISBN : 9781425756451

About the Book

Have you ever been taking a casual walk through the park after a long day of work and noticed that couple that’s just so in love that it literally makes you sick? Then you find yourself looking back over the years thinking on all the loves you’ve had or didn’t have or the current love of your life. Have you ever just sat and pondered on what could have been as opposed to what is now, or just fantasized on another life? Finally, have you had to hold back your tongue or not been able to say exactly what is on your mind? Then this is the perfect book for you. Often as being the people we are, we have problems with our emotions, whether it be the right words to say or the wrong words to never say. Humans just sometimes do not know how to talk! Be it about religion, society, politics, and especially when it comes to love, the words we want or need to say find a way to disappear from our vocabulary. In this book I have compiled poems about what I sometimes have had trouble talking about, my love for my life, family & friends, society, significant others and for Christ. I let the pen and pad be my voice when my mouth refused to open and my tape recorder when my heart chose to speak. I have included writings from almost every page from the story of my heart and those around me. As you read I’m sure you’ll say to yourself, “he must have been looking right at my situation.” And I assure you that is not the case but that does show that my writings have hit that place I was trying to reach in your heart.

About the Author

Ricardo D. Gill was born on June 13, 1978 in Roanoke, Va. While in college he nurtured and groomed his talent for writing. He took something from every situation he encountered whether it was good, bad, or just something that came about. Writing became an outlet for his emotions. It is sometimes said that the best writers are the ones that have been through some rough times, the ones that have experienced some things in life. Through these poems you find a wide variety of situations that you can identify with and or know someone that can.