
Symbolic Morphs of Words & Images

by Frank Varela



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/02/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781401068233

About the Book

CONCEPTICONS: Symbolic Morphs of Words and Images.

Frank Varela began his book with the idea that by taking a word - or a letter from a word - and combining it with an image, the newly created design would become symbolic of the word's meaning. The designs in this book are drawn from the emotional reaction that words can generate. Moreover, each design poses a challenge to the viewer: to discover the letter or word within the design.

CONCEPTICONS are symbolic and subjective. As with Egyptian hieroglyphs, where a picture or symbol was representative of a word, CONCEPTICONS depend on our shared experiences. Such creative evaluation of words as symbols is one way in which Frank Varela has accentuated the meaning of words that live forever in our minds.

About the Author

Frank Varela is a graphic designer living in Los Angeles. For the last ten years, he has designed for the entertainment industry and has art directed and designed for properties such as The X-Files and ER. Logo design is one of Frank's great passions and many of his logo designs and symbols have appeared in various graphic design books and publications. Also, Frank has had two one man shows on Logo Design which have served as inspiration for his first book and website: CONCEPTICONS.