Verses Exploring: Science, Faith, Doubt & Religion

by John Ross Jr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/06/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781524507992

About the Book

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” --Albert Einstein Genes, Germs, Geodes and God: Verses Exploring Science, Faith, Doubt & Religion is a plentiful collection of contemporary poems highlighting the ongoing struggle between empirical science, religion, faith and ardent disbelief. Using poems surrounding logic, rhetoric, and experimental data commingled with biblical concepts, John Ross venerates the communicational vectors and conversational strategies which atheists, agnostics and robust believers alike, use in their struggle for orderly conversation. With such poems as It Is Raining DNA Outside, Chomsky-Dawkins Coalition and Earliest Moment’s of Microbes Develop From Nearly Nothing, this collection confirms the quip once uttered by the late Harvard Divinity School theologian Krister Stendahl, that: “Religion is poetry plus, not science minus.” -Krister Stendahl

About the Author

John Ross, Jr. holds graduate degrees from Harvard (ALM), Boston University (STM, Theology) and Loyola University Chicago (MPS, Pastoral Studies) He currently resides in Chicago where he teaches in the department of Communication, Media and Theatre at Northeastern Illinois University. Ross is also the author of two previous science and religion poetry collections: Where the Designer Came From: Evolution, Creation, Hominids and the Skirmish of the Double Helix; and Cosmotrinity: Newton, Einstein, Hawking with the Origins of the Anthropic Principle and a Curtsy Toward QEDEM (Time), POST-MODERN THOUGHTS ON THE CLOCK.