A Macro Model for a strong National E-conomy
Book Details
About the Book
About the Book: a blueprint for national E-conomy. …5 STAR rating by Pacific Book Review. MICHAEL MOORE tells us his new movie will change America. OUR BOOK WILL TELL YOU HOW…
MY BOOK TRAILER ç CAPITALLESSISM proposes : …a strong free-enterprise-based democratic national E-conomy model when no capital is available, either because of a crisis or by speculations. …..scientific solutions for a capital-less public cooperative banking system. ….economic engineering to create a commodity-based virtual-capital, ….a national public bank, ….a nationalized artificial capital creation process called “fractional-reserve-banking” rights, licensed back to banks (in return for sharing the created public-E-capital with the government), and various processes to activate its E-capital circulation, This is not Socialism, nor Communism. It is COMMUNITY-ISM based on human and spiritual values where inequalities will still exist resulting from individual efforts, but everybody has a fair financial starting chance for free enterprise. Some of our controversial ideas are not politically right. Austerity is outdated. The nature of national debts may be reexamined. It is inspired by Roosevelt’s second bill of rights and Edison’s visions of a commodity-based currency. Our MACRO-MODEL is inspired by our efficient blood circulatory system, which provides oxygen to trillions of cells. We copy this for an efficient “E-capital” circulation model to assure survival and to sustain everyone’s productivity.
Excerpts Pacific Book Review
….“CAPITALlessISM,” interestingly compares our economic system to a biological circulatory system. …. the prototype for economic engineesring. ……. is a mindset of a macro-model for redesigning our inefficient national economy. …. that remedies a lack of capital…The human factor and spiritual God element are fundamental. …. a decrease of inequalities among people and an emphasis on democracy, ….Benefit ..includes the cancellation of most national debts…
Excerpts the U.S. review of Books
… innovative and thought-provoking book, ….. a new economic model, one that can function where no capital is available and that embraces the concept of "community-ism."…. his synthesis of various models is unique…..
About the Author
Notions about the author, an annoying innovator: Dr. Anthony Horvath is a Hungarian-born immigrant who came to Canada in 1957 to escape Communism. He doesn’t claim to be an economist. His expertise is information system design and modeling, and his originality is viewing economy with new eyes as a gigantic financial information system, as a dynamic financial information flow. His revolutionary idea: financing the economy with a public owned national fractional reserve banking, franchised back to banks in a public-private partnership. Ever since being a student he had a reputation of originality and an annoying innovator disturbing the status-quo. He proposed and carried through many controversial ideas, either as a professor at the University of Quebec, as a teacher, as a journalist, as a consultant, as an educational film producer, as an invention marketer, as a research coordinator, as the founder of Horvath Research & Development, and lately as a gourmet cook. At present, he is a director of the Canadian Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, acting as a business and economic advisor. He is a passionate supporter of Hungary’s nationalist economic goals. The proposed economic macro-model in this book is the direct extension of his INFORMATION FLOW modeling concepts transformed into CAPITAL FLOW design concepts for the economy. Yves Lafortune, director, North America and Europe, Export, Quebec Ministry of Economic Development of Innovation and Export; and Dr. Anthony Horvath, a director and the Hungarian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s business development and economic advisor.