Prayer Changes Things




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 03/12/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781401021559

About the Book

Prayer Changes Things will inspire and keep you on the edge of your seat while reading it. A very touching story of a family struggling to make ends meet in the early 1950’s. The story tells of a young girl’s life from her childhood in the early 50’s until she is grown in the 1990’s. The struggles and the hurt and pain she endured will make tears well in your eyes as she fights to save her failing marriage and keep the father home for her children. This young lady had determination and God given strength as she faced divorce and the fear of becoming a single parent.

About the Author

E. Kathy Herring was born and raised in a small town in Watha North Carolina. She has two beautiful grown children that she really adores and still calls them her babies. Her children have blessed her with five grandchildren. She also has three Godchildren, Anthony, Joseph, Brandi and two stepchildren, Kenny and Kathy. E. Kathy raised her children as a single parent and would not ask for help from any governmental agencies. She believed in living self-supportive. Her parents taught her that Prayer Changes Things and all you need is faith to get the answer to your prayers. I will always believe in prayer.