Varied Images The Stories Of Paul F. Wolf

by Paul F. Wolf



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/04/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 401
ISBN : 9781599267883
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 401
ISBN : 9781599267890

About the Book

This book is a collection of forty-six short stories that the author, Mr. Paul F. Wolf, published over a twenty-five year period. Many of them are set in Chicago, his own hometown. But others are set in different locations, usually places the author has visited or spent time exploring. But the stories are really about people, however, and the conditions they survive in, the circumstances they are involved with, the way they cope and deal with getting through their days. Many of Mr. Wolf’s characters are in trouble, either through their own fault, or perhaps through what one might call, ‘chance circumstance.’ Some of the stories imply a deep sympathy with the poor and the American underclass; they try to bring light and empathy to the problems that exist in these corners and alleys of our culture. Other characters have money and the better things in life, but all of them have this in common: they have to cut and cope their way through what Fate has thrown in front of them. Mr. Wolf has tried not only to entertain, but also to bring forth in each story some insight or perspective of his own to the situation. Without moralizing, he hopes he has succeeded in making a few observations, and shedding a little light.

About the Author

Paul F. Wolf is a resident of Chicago, Illinois. He taught school there for twenty-eight years, and still lives in that city. Mr. Wolf wrote and published the novel, A Punk in Gallows America, released and still available through Birch Brook Press. He is now retired from teaching, but continues to write, learn, and tend to his gardens.