The Lord's Prayer

A Secret Code Revealed: Code of the Past, Present and Future

by Miguel C. Suarez Jr.



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 29/05/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 560
ISBN : 9781436328333
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 560
ISBN : 9781436328340

About the Book

Prayer is a very powerful tool for the well being of a person. It brings him hope. It makes him believe that the impossible can be a possibility. Usually however, he prays for selfish reason. Thus, when the Apostles asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, I could not help but wonder if the reason was to help others or to become well-known miracle workers. The Jews are a very prayerful people that believe in miracles. They have a tradition going back to Adam, Noah, Moses and Solomon that by the right rituals or prayers or names of God one could perform miracles. For sure the apostles knew how to pray and the holy names of God. Yet why did they ask Jesus to teach them how to pray? What could be the reason? They saw Jesus performed miracles that they could not perform. They were very much impressed that they could not suppress their desire for Jesus to teach them how. But Jesus surprised them by teaching them a simple prayer instead of a complicated ritual or prayer. The prayer that Jesus taught is now known as the “Lord’s Prayer” or the “Our Father”. Since then, the Apostles were able to perform the same miracles as Jesus did. Was the Lord’s Prayer the key to the miracles performed by the Apostles? If so, then this must be a very powerful prayer and would answer the question why Jesus taught only one prayer. The Lord’s Prayer may not be as simple as it seems. People go to seminars, buy books, search for amulets and talismans for prosperity and health and look for gurus. Why not try the prayer taught by one of the greatest spiritual teachers, Jesus? This book is the most comprehensive book ever written about the Lord’s Prayer. It traces the origin of the prayer and its possible source. Was Jesus really the author of the prayer? If so, why was not the prayer mentioned in the Gospels of Mark and John nor in the writings of Paul or the Gnostics? Who placed this prayer in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Why is there no original Hebrew version of the prayer considering that Jesus and the Apostles were Jews and the place was Judea? This book will reveal the answers and the secret code that has been hidden from the masses but revealed to a select few. It deals also with the secret teachings of Jesus called the Kabalah, allegedly an ancient oral tradition handed down from generation to generation originating from Adam to Seth, Abraham, Moses, David to Solomon and to the High Priest. It reveals the secret of creation, the origin of man, evolution and intelligent design; the location of the Garden of Eden and the Deluge. The Code shows the relation of the Lord’s Prayer to ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, Israel, China and the Meso-Americans. Even the probable and possible future events are also revealed more particularly the years 2006 and 2012. The Code was discovered thru the use of the Kabalah and the Equidistant Letter Sequence used in decoding the Bible. This book reveals how to harness the power of the Lord’s Prayer and how to experience the miracles performed by Jesus and the Apostles. This book will show that the Lord’s Prayer is not only a prayer but is a code that reveals untold doctrines and settles issues like the following: • Who was the author of the Lord’s Prayer? • Why did the Apostles ask Jesus to teach them how to pray? • Did Jesus teach secret doctrines to the Apostles like the Kabalah? • Can we perform the miracles the Apostles did? • What is the speech of “Babies”? • Why are ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, Israel, MesoAmerica and China in the Code? • Why are the Pyramids and the Sphinx mentioned in the Code and who built them? • Why is President Bush in the Code? • Was the September 11,2001 tragedy in the Code? • Is there really an “End Time”? • Why is Sen. Barack H. Obama in the Code? Another intriguing question in the book is if there are many forgeries in the New Testament, what is the truth? What matters most, the teacher or the teaching? There are many c

About the Author

Born in 1938 in San Pablo City, Laguna Philippines. He studied under the Jesuits since high school to college finishing a degree in law at Ateneo de Manila. He married Theresita de Guzman and have two children named Michael and Miguelin who are both gifted. He became a councilor and vice-mayor of the City and taught law in one of the colleges in the city. He was a corporate lawyer of several multi-national companies. Growing up he encountered many different supernatural experiences like witnessing talismans that could not be hit by bullets coming from guns fired at close range, seeing ghosts, watching beings in a spring and hearing sounds and music. He pursued many interests in the occult by studying different modalities and techniques of healings and became a member of different groups involved in occult and supernatural studies like the Kabbalah, Numerology, Astrology, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Vibrational medicine etc. He formed the group called the 1/10th that gave 1/10th of their time to help others for free like free healing, counseling etc. He has no physical, personal spiritual teacher but have several spiritual teachers coming from different dimensions but his number one teacher is the Mother who appears in different forms as Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis, Tara, Innana etc., thus his knowledge about different ancient civilizations. His main thrust is sharing the healing method of The Lord’s Prayer where one can heal without touching people. By the use of the Lord’s Prayer he has seen the dead came back to life, the lame walk, the blind see, the deft hear and the possessed exorcised. The Lord’s Prayer is one of the most powerful tools in exorcism without the use of any implements like bells, incense, holy water or oil etc. He has been invited in many exorcisms and people were surprised to see him just talking to the spirits and the exorcism was finished. He believes that the world is almost enveloped by darkness and one of the ways of preventing the coming envelopment is to understand the Lord’s Prayer that is the source of powerful Love energy. Academic Awards High School Valedictorian 4 years scholarship to Ateneo de Manila Prisaa Singing contest 1st Prize San Pablo City 1st Prize Laguna Province 1st Prize Regional 3rd Prize National Outstanding Councilor of the Philippines Award Certificates from several legal, banking and metaphysical seminars Work Experience Vice Mayor, San Pablo City Councilor, San Pablo City Corporate Lawyer Administrator Professor, Lecturer Entrepreneur Cultural Experience 1st Filipino to sing at the Taste of Chicago Member of the Renaissance Court Choir Chicago Tenor Vocalist at the Cultural Center, Chicago Metaphysical Experience Clairvoyant, clairaudient Kabbalist Exorcist Spiritual Healer Exponent of the Lord’s Prayer Method of Healing Theosophist Author