Teach Us To Pray

A New Look at an Old Prayer

by Bill Hamann



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/01/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9781436389280

About the Book

There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available.

About the Author

Bill Hamann’s vocation is rooted in the law, but his passion rises from the sea, including the great inland sea called Lake Erie. Bill’s romance with sailing yachts began as a midshipman at Kings Point. He has sailed the seven seas and all the Great Lakes by power and sail. The writing of several screenplays, stage dramas, and musicals has provided a never-ending life adventure that continues with each day at the keyboard. Bill is married to Cindy Jane, has two sons, lives in Cincinnati, teaches, preaches, writes, and will go sailing whenever there’s a stiff breeze.