The Passage of Time

by Ann Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/05/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 508
ISBN : 9781441515469
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 508
ISBN : 9781441515452

About the Book

In her first book, “We Are Surely Blessed,” Ann Williams focused on her parents, Leslie and Esther Johnson. They watch as their five older children grow to adulthood, marry and start their own family’s while the two younger children continue their education.

They pulled together during the Great Depression, WW I, and saw two of their sons serve in the army during WW II.

It is now 1949. In “The Passage of Time” you will see their dream of having a large family, materialize. Each of the families has settled in the farming area around Guss, Iowa. Follow them as they prosper with their own dreams and watch their children go forward. Share with them the beginning of life and the loss of life, as sudden sadness engulfs them.

Join Esther and Leslie as they celebrate their 50th Anniversary. They continue to share the love of the land, the pride in their family, and the country in which they were born. They continue to hold their faith in God. There is a feeling that someone is always watching over them and He will walk with them for the rest of their lives.

Follow their youngest daughter as she and her husband and two sons leave the Iowa farm lands and settle in San Jose, California.

About the Author

Ann Williams grew up in southwest Iowa. She dug deep into the memories of her childhood, connecting and creating a history of her own as well as her family. The times were hard in the middle 1900’s. She grew up with a close knit family. Her family consisted of five brothers and one sister. They all grew up together on the farms in southwest Iowa. She married her husband in 1952. When her husband returned from serving two years in the army, they settled on a farm close to where the families were living. Both of their sons were born while they were living on the farm. In the early 60’s with her husband and two sons they venture west and settle in San Jose, California. She always had a love of horses and eventually they trailer their two favorites to San Jose. Since 2002 they have resided in Auburn, California. Their families live close by.