Is Organized Religion a Sham

by Ed Sepernik



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 15/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 415
ISBN : 9781413444544

About the Book

IS ORGANIZED RELIGION A SHAM? Delivers a well-researched treatise on the origins of various religions, their effects on mankind, and takes into account aspects of history, theology, and sociology. The text is an accumulation of facts from primitive man’s first practice of animism to today’s televangelism. Through this historic detail, the book focuses on the religious righteous and their manipulation of theology to control the masses. Clearly not everyone will agree with my provocative conclusions, however, been the most devout practitioner of any religion will find it difficult to argue with the historical accuracy of the research.

I begin with how primitive man conceived gods. The early chapters hinge on specific moments in history and bibical accounts, such as Moses’ first encounter with Yahweh. Following this is a survey of Jesus, the man, and how Christianity started. In chapter five I focus on the beliefs and obligations of Islam and in subsequent chapters move on to Hinduism and Buddhism. I cover religious cults and discuss televangelist figures, Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart. In chapter twelve, I lay out crimes committed in the name of God and in chapter fifteen I have juxtaposed both the creationist and evolutionist arguments for existence.

Overall my contribution is designed to enlighten and provoke thought, as well as to participate in what may be viewed as an ongoing debate.

About the Author

Ed Sepernik is a graduate chemical engineer from Birmingham University, Birmingham, England. His technical expertise has been utilized in the design of chemical plants. Presently, he is V.P. of FCI Ag Chem in charge of engineering and research. He is the author of the Fertilizer Technical Data Book which is sold all over the world. He has also written books on cooking, gambling & has just completed a screen play “Revenge”. He has presented papers at national and international conferences.