Arch of the Lost Covenant
Beyond Science, psychology, and religion
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About the Book
The Ark of the Lost Covenant. Now what could that title possibly imply? What message is this book trying to bring to you or is it merely a book intended for your reading enjoyment? To save you time let me tell you right now, right up front, so you can move on from here if you so desire, in your search for something to read. This is not a book merely intended for your reading enjoyment but rather for your spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It is indeed my “soul” purpose for being on the planet at this most difficult time in mankind’s evolution. If you believe you are already as Happy as you can possibly be? If you believe your life is as successful in every way imaginable as it can possibly be? If you believe you have Love in your life to the degree and quality you desire? Then this book is not for you. The Ark of the lost Covenant is not only an inspired work but if you’ll excuse my use of this so very misunderstood word, it is also a book that has been “channeled” personally for you. Just to clear the air, channeling is not anti-anything. It is not unspiritual nor is it evil. It is merely the ability some individuals have developed to be able to tap into their own higher consciousness. Einstein channeled. Jules Verne channeled. Carl Jung channeled. Benjamin Franklin channeled. All the great poets, composers and artists channeled. Perhaps one of the most prolific channelers was Michelangelo. And whether you’d like to admit it or not in all likelihood you have also accidentally channeled at times, as well, and not even known it. So enough on channeling. Have you ever read The Course in Miracles? How about Conversations with God? Did you ever read the writing of Rosemary Althea? Well, this book falls into that category. Except this book is written for two main groups of people. It is written for those people who believe there is something greater than them self, only they are not sure what that something is. And, it is also written for the left brained pragmatist who believes there is nothing other than what meets the eye. It is a meeting of East and West. It is a meeting of Spirituality and Psychology. It is a blending of Science and Mysticism. It is a book intended to open your eyes. It is a book intended to change your life. The Ark of the lost Covenant is written in two parts: Book I and Book II. Book I is a rather harsh revelation of the spiritual bankruptcy that surrounds us here in the United States. While you are not asked to do anything to change what you will be shown it is essential that you know where the mines are buried in the spiritual pastures of life. You need to know what to watch out for and what to embrace. Book I was very difficult for me to write. It is ugly, it is truthful and it is right to the point. You, we, us are literally surrounded by a social menace that robs us/you of your chance at ever finding True Happiness. And while that threat may eventually destroy Mother Earth herself, in the meantime you have the right to be as Happy as possible. Book II was a delight for me to write. I got to tap into all of the greatest mysteries and joys this life has to offer us. While Book II is certainly a no nonsense instruction manual it also shares with its reader some of the mysteries and secrets of life that you only imagined existed yet never imagined you would understand. You may or you may not like The Ark of the Lost Covenant but I can absolutely guarantee you that once you’ve read it you will never be the same again. And, if you choose to practice what you are taught in Book II you can have Love and Happiness in your life in a way that as of right now you cannot even imagine. I’m not sure what else you would want to know. The book is indeed the culmination of my life experiences and mystical happenings. It is perhaps the reason I was incarnated at all. Once again, while seeking answers to certain questions I was catapulted forward learning far more than I ever bargained for or even desired.
About the Author
The first twenty eight years of James’s life went pretty much like everyone else’s. But then his world turned upside down and inside out. After a brief stay in Hawaii, however, his life took off like a shot, pursuing a path of deep spiritual awakening. Upon opening his own private practice he soon began to realize why his life had unfolded in the very particular way that it had including seeing human auras, a street person who channeled God to him and a visit to a place he can only imagine must have been “Heaven” where he received a very special gift of his own.