Memories of a fighter pilot and nurse in WWII

by FMJ Pacheco



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 01/02/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781599269238

About the Book

The tales of our fathers (and mothers, sometimes) in war may be the most important legacy ever left us. These “war stories” told by our parents on warm summer evenings haunt many of us to this day. They are warnings, a cry in the dark to future generations they may never know. The following pages are the autobiographical accounts of my parents in World War II. My father was a fighter pilot and my mother an evac nurse in the ETO 1944-45. These are the very human accounts of that most inhuman experience.

About the Author

F Pacheco was a fighter pilot in the 12th Tactical Air Command, ETO and remained a fighter pilot until 1961. M Pacheco was a nurse serving in the 81st Hospital Train Unit, ETO. The stories were compiled by J Pacheco, a graduate of the University of Redlands and life long student of American history.