Portal To Symbols and Images

by Kay Gameiro



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/01/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781425728199

About the Book

Today, we are gathering around a worldview that encompasses multi-cultural truths, united with the fusion of science and mysticism. Thus, along with the frontiers of knowledge, language itself is evolving. The challenge is to push the boundaries of creativity, while as yet restricted by language, to encompass these new philosophical and scientific ideas. This volume of poetry abounds in originality; creatively weaving these ideas into a personal journey.

ψ PSI is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. Its translations include esoteric ideas such as, soul, psyche and the unknown. ψ represents the wave function in quantum mechanics and has meanings in mathematics and the paranormal. Here, it is not only a symbol, but also an acronym, Portal to Symbols and Images. The idea of ψ implies the essence of creativity and the portal we all must pass through as we journey into the deeper mysteries, beyond the reach words, into realms of artistic imagery.

About the Author

Kay Gameiro’s poems have been published in several anthologies including the International Society of Poetry and Noble House. She has been awarded The International Library of Poetry’s Poetry’s Elite- Best Poets of 2000, Award of Merit, 2001, Poet of the year nominee 2002 and Outstanding Achievement in Poetry 2003. A collection of her original poetry also resides in the Institute of Noetic Science Library.