Danger Lurks In The Forest




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 03/10/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781425747275
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 194
ISBN : 9781425747268

About the Book


The Clemens family leaves the east coast to the west coast, intent on having a wonderful family vacation. And at the end of their destination, a long over do discovery of a fully intact woolly mammoth. They could hardly wait to get their too help uncover the great one.

With in their first week of their family vacation Sean the young man of the family gets lost in a cavern. Alone in this cold shadowy deep part of the wondrous underworld. He can hear an echo of rain drops into a pool of water. Let alone his own heart thumping at every step he took. What he saw next was unexplainable, a little red figure, bouncing between rock formations and the spirit of his dear departed grandfather. Instantly he remembered back to his dream that he had just a few ago. Oh how he missed his grandpa, Tears of joy roll down his cheeks as he saw one more chance to be with him. A ghostly sprit of Sean’s grandfather show him the little guy Tim. Tim was his grandfathers secret he kept from everyone even his best friend; if people knew of Tim’s existence, He would have been stolen years ago, for his medallion, and or for his gold. Tim saved Sean’s life from a deep dark pit. This tunnel was one of many that hadn’t been explored yet.

In order for Sean to get safely back with his family, he had to promise the little man that he will get him to Washington. There was a lot of cheers and tears of joy when the Rangers brought him out of the belly of the caverns. There was no time to loose, off on to the road again.

After the Clemens family get to their next stop. Everyone was all together safe and sound. Of course they felt safe tucked in for the night. By Friday afternoon they arrive at the top of the plateaus main entrance of Delusion Canyon. Just ahead of them was a sign posted, caution road work ahead. Right off the bat Jeff Clemens was able to fallow the pilot truck safely to the other end.

The view was spectacular. Sean wanted to jump out from the camper before it even stopped. In know time at all everyone was out of the truck and camper. Jeff walked into the Main Rangers Station to check in. Only to find out his reservation that he made weeks ago was no good. The Clemens family thought that they had a nice cabin to stay in for a few days.

Sean became a detective again to solve the case of the Charming Bandit. The Bandit charms the women and takes their money and jewelry.

In a few days time in the families’ vacation west, Sean finds the girl for his heart. The one and only beauty queen Amber. Full of grace and poise, she can catch the baseball just like him. Sean hated to leave her behind.

About the Author

Carol lives in California with her family. She currently works at a retail store. In this store she met a very famous author, who convinced her to finish writing. She has many loves and writing fiction stories is one of them.