African American History Month in Song!
Book Details
About the Book
African American History Month in Song! is especially designed to enhance celebration programs, library and museum collections, general music programs and regular classroom learning activities. The book contains thirteen original songs in honor of thirteen notable African Americans in history from the colonial period to modern times. They include Phillis Wheatley, Nat Turner, Elijah McCoy, Mary Terrell, Mary M. Bethune, Ralph Bunche, Mahilia Jackson, Jackie Robinson, Leontyne Price, Martin Luther King, and Beatrice Wayne Robinson Godfrey. After a short introduction, a delightful song follows which also tells about the honored person. In addition to being an enriching song collection, the book is a wonderful resource for classroom teachers, as well, with unit study questions/answers and offers suggestons for intergrating the subject with other curricular areas. African History Month in Song! guarantees students of all ages will be singing or "whistling historical happy tunes." (A CD will be available in the near future.)
About the Author
Dr. James L. Shepherd has taught music at all levels for more than thirty years within the Great Neck Public Schools, NY. In addition, he is the organist/choirmaster for Great Neck’s historic All Saints Episcopal Church. Dr. Shepherd received his BM degree from Butler University, Indiana; his MA degree from C.W. Post College/Long Island University, and his Ph.D. from the Union Institute & University, Ohio.