Doodle & The Moon

by Deborah J. Green



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/07/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781436346160
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781436346153

About the Book

Doodle and the Moon is a beautifully illustrated children’s book about a young energetic rooster who crows at the moon. The farm animals are frustrated by the noisy chaos while they are trying to sleep. They teach Doodle that a rooster’s real “job“ is to wake up the sun each morning. Young readers will enjoy Doodle’s adventure and will learn about problem solving, communication, the sun, and, of course, the moon! Doodle and the Moon was written in honor of Green’s grandfather, Bill “Doodle“ Bigham, who has passed down the tradition of admiring the moon to four generations. The book is also dedicated to Green’s two granddaughters, Bailey and Aubrey Nelson. Bailey, now three, bursts into song when seeing the moon. The tradition continues! Special thanks go to Izabela Ciesinska. Her illustrations made the story come to life! Everyone needs a cheerleader, and my husband, Gary Jones, has been my enthusiastic supporter from the beginning of this special project. Cover image is an original painting by the author.

About the Author

Southern , outgoing, and full of down-home tradition best describe this author. Deborah J. Green, a seventh generation Floridian, is enthusiastic about life and sharing time with family and friends.