At Water's Edge

by Virgie Lacey



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 16/04/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781441521248

About the Book

Since his exile onto the earth, Satan has spent most of his time studying everything about us, making plans to destroy all hope of reconciliation unto the Lord. He is miserable by himself, wandering in darkness, waiting for an end that he has no desire to meet. Thus, he is trying to take as many souls with him as he can. But God is faithful and just if we will just fill up on his Word! His word is a sword to be used daily to destroy every attack the enemy sends our way. This book is designed to equip you to face your day-to-day adversities and obligations with a renewed mind and a refreshed spirit.

About the Author

Virgie Lacey is a teacher, minister, and a mother of three currently residing in Whitehouse, Texas. Currently attending Christian Faith Fellowship Church her passion for the word of God crosses cultural and denominational boundaries. --