What Is Your Relationship With Your Sword, The Lord's Prayer

Is It Solid As A Rock?

by The Messenger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9781441540881
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9781441540898

About the Book

This book is designed for the children of God so that it may lead them back to the basics. This is the power of the Lord ’s Prayer because it has been pushed aside because of other beliefs.

Now, just look at our USA. It is in a mess because we stopped chasing God’s prayer and started chasing things, inventions and money that have caused God’s sheep to leave the fold and follow the heathen ways worldly.

I was led to write these lessons and turn them into this book. I hope it will help you. God Bless you.

Talk with you soon it is another book on the way Sheep of God look for the Power of it.

“The Messenger of God.
04/ 20/ 09

About the Author

Sheep I was born in North Carolina, and I was rise up inside of the Church it is a family tradition that I found out early in life that it was just a show of fashion and division and people was separated standing inside of their different groups, so today I believe Jesus every word if he said that he was not inside of the church then why should I be in there with them hypocrites Matthew 6:2; so I being to seek God in the Spirit, and be Truthful to him, and myself inside of Christ Jesus.