by Lilian Jude



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781450059978
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781450059985

About the Book

Prayer is reasoning with God on the platform of his word, and you develop confidence in God by spending time in his presence. When you spend time in prayer and his word, He impacts himself to you, and you begin to understand the nature, personality, attributes, mannerisms, and style in which our Heavenly Father operates. The successful Prayer life is one of self-denial. It is recognition of his Lordship, a giving up of much that is not wrong in itself but that hinders and takes our time. A prayer life doesn’t mean hours spent in actual prayer, but hours of study and meditation in the word until the life becomes literally absorbed in the word and the word becomes a very part of us. One could spend hours in prayer fruitlessly if the heart is not prepared beforehand. The preparation of the heart comes from meditation in the word, meditation on what we are in Christ, what He is to us, and what the Holy Spirit can mean to a life that becomes God minded. Prayer is fellowship with the Father and with Jesus, a cultivation of a habit of communion. It is learning to take advantage of our rights in Christ. It is assuming the responsibility that those rights give us. This exciting book shares with you these truths and some principles of enjoying fellowship with the Father.

About the Author

Lilian Jude has a passion to see people enjoy their walk with God through fellowship. She is the sixth child out six children born to the family of Knight and Lady Jude Edem. She attended Immaculate Conception Secondary School in Itak and proceeded to St. Mary’s Senior Science College in Ediene, Abak, where she obtained her high school diploma. She furthered her education into University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, where she obtained her college degree in urban and regional planning. She is happily married to Emmanuel J. Mbong. And is pursuing graduate studies in Environmental Science.