A Lover's Prayer

by Tawanda Richardson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 111
ISBN : 9781450083492
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 111
ISBN : 9781450083508

About the Book

Alicia Tate always seem to have her life in order, she is Christian having a strong relationship with God, and believes in the power of prayer, she has a great husband Aaron Tate for eighteen years, two wonderful kids, a good career, good friends, and a good education, who could ask for anything better, until her life is turned upside down, as she becomes reconnected with Rick, her first love after twenty plus years. And soon discovers some shocking news from her husband. Alicia is faced with decisions with compromising her relationship with God, her husband, family, friends, and her integrity. As she experiences this new trial, Alicia learns that forgiveness is a gift that can only come from God, and True repentance is accepting whatever God has for you. And she soon realizes that God has not forgotten nor forsaken her.

About the Author

Tawanda Kay Richardson

Born in raised in Indianapolis Indiana. Tawanda has two kids Talicia Marie, and Damon Isaiah, and one grandson Dell Anthony. Professed hope in Christ at a very young age, and is currently a member of Puritan Missionary Baptist Church where Bishop Larry Grinstead is the Angel of the house. Titles hold: SGT In the Indiana National Guard, Victims Advocate and Career Counselor for the State of Indiana Army National Guard, Book keeping manager for Indianapolis One Voice Stop the Violence Youth Choir. Tawanda is a student getting a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Leadership and Ministry. My purpose is to minister to the world about God’s word and His will for our life, through teaching, writing, speaking, and counseling and in song. A Lover’s Prayer is inspired from overcoming life’s, trials, becoming intimate with my Lord and Savior, and knowing that He has not forgotten me of forsaking me.