Tips from your Job Coach

a strategic guide for employment seekers

by Dona Woodley-Davis M. Ed.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/04/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781450078719
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781450078726

About the Book

Dona Davis born Dona Meria Woodley is a middle child raised in Philadelphia, PA in 1954. She is a product of the Philadelphia public school system. Dona graduated with a Bachelorette of Education from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976 and earned Master of Special Education in 1981 from Antioch University. She taught special education in public school districts for 35 years before taking an early retirement.During the course of her career Dona took a position at a vocational high school in Pennsylvania. The position had no job description so Ms. Davis invented one. She scouted out local employers who would hire her junior and senior high school special education students as they accomplished seventy-five percent proficiency in their vocational field of study. She provided job readiness training for the students as they accomplished their vocational objectives. Soon, her students lovingly began to call her "Coach" as they caught on to her mission. She then placed them in work-study positions and monitored their progress both in the classroom and in the workplace environment. At the end of the school year Ms. Davis facilitated a career fair at the school for the community. Every one of her students were hired! Ms. Davis compiled the lessons she taught and produced this valuable and effective job readiness book and called it "Tips from your Job Coach�a strategic guide for employment seekers". Actually, Tips from your Job Coach�a strategic guide for employment seekers is a job readiness training curriculum . This tool is used as a curriculum for facilitators of such programs.

About the Author