Crack Cocaine: Let my People Go!

Appropriate Prayer Results in Deliverance

by Minister Willie J. Henderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/08/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 169
ISBN : 9781453537770
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 169
ISBN : 9781453537787

About the Book

If you´re sick and tired of the pathedic lifestyle of being addicted to crack cocaine then this book will teach how to overcome the temptations to use or engage in sexual immorality by following the example that Christ use in Luke 4:1-13. Each time temptation presented itself Christ responded, "It is written..." followed by the appropriate verse of scripture. My friend, just like Christ when you learn how the correct verses to use in when life presence a crisis you too will walk away in victory! Christ came down from heaven to become set an example, to teach how to overcome the devils offers by the using the Power of The Written Word! Your deliverance is only a verse away!"It is written."

About the Author

Willie J. Henderson, graduate of Christian Charismatic Methodist Bible Training Center. Once my life mirrored that of the prodigal son (see Lk.15:11-20). For years I too was lost in the world of drug abuse, sin, misery, and misfortune. The demonic spirit of self-centeredness and rebellion had a hold on my life for 20 long years as I struggled with crack cocaine and its counterparts. But one particular day I opened my Bible and was led to Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 12:7-17, John 14:30 and Luke 4:1-12. It was in those chapters that God’s Holy Spirit revealed to me who was causing all the pandemonium in my life, and how to follow the example that Jesus set for mankind by speaking the Word of God over those assaults as instructed in Luke 4:1-12). My friend, just as the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was healed (Matt.9:18-22), WHEN YOU TOUCHED THIS ANOINTED BOOK OF DELIVERANCE, THE SPIRIT OF GOD RESTING ON THESE PAGES BEGAN ITS HEALING PROCESS IN YOUR LIFE. BECAUSE WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS FREEDOM! (1Cor.3:17).