“If City Hall’s Walls Could Talk”

Strange And Funny Stories From Inside Los Angeles City Hall

by Greig Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9781456807023
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 115
ISBN : 9781456807030

About the Book

The author was a participant, and elected official for over 32 years, in the government of the City of Los Angeles. This book is an effort to commemorate some of the truly intriguing, funny, and down right goofy stories that have helped the City of Angels gain its reputation as an eclectic city often called “LA-LA LAND”. Stories from recent years as well as some wild, funny, and fascinating stories from its history. It was Smith’s desire to document a collection of short stories that are not intended to be a literary giant, but rather a very enjoyable read.

About the Author

Greig Smith is a graduate of USC with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Greig served on the staff’s of a US Senator and Vice President before getting married and entering the private sector where he was owner/operator of his own company for eight years. In 1979 he ran campaign operations for his friend Hal Bernson who was elected to the LA City Council. Greig sold his business and returned to government as Bernson’s Chief of Staff where he served for 24 years. In April 2003 Greig was elected to the City Council where he served until retirement in 2011.