Tune Into The Right Voice

Let The Voice Of God Become Louder Than Your Voice Of Struggle

by Angelina Squire



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/04/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781462855544
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781462855537

About the Book

In this book you will find that although we experience various oppositions in life, there will be opportunities where God enlightens us by showing us in our Trials that, we can discover what our life purpose is. When we begin to focus on the voice of God we will drown out the sound, (voice) of the loud distractions our struggles causes. The peaceable voice of God guides us to a fulfilling life. We have two choices in life. We can choose to allow our hardships to crush us or we can choose to crush our hardships.

About the Author

Inspirational Author/Life Speaker Angelina Squire is an overcomer of many life’s obstacles. Three powerful tools that Angelina uses to win in hard time, that this book displays are Prayer, Faith and Perseverance. She is also a proud mother of Three beautiful children,Donald, Allen, and Chanereya. The oldest has Autism and is mentally Challenged. I have been blessed with a Wonderful Husband, Mr. Allen Powell SR. In whom has been in the Music Business for Thirty Two Years with experience As a Radio Station Disc Jockey, Producer, Artist Management and an All-around DJ. I began writing this Book Titled “Tune into the Right Voice” On March 3, 2005. What inspired me to write this book was that I always had such A burning Desire in my heart to help hurting people. One day the Title of this book was placed into my Spirit, and once I obeyed the Voice Of the Lord, The Title became pages in which turned into this book. I Always wanted to do something about the many hurting Souls, but I Didn’t know where to begin until that day when the Lord dropped this Book Title and Idea into my Spirit. As I proceeded to write I experienced Such great Joy in knowing that I to can make a difference in the lives of Others. With the help and support of my Husband and my children I Gained Strength and Endurance, Encouragement to keep on writing even When great Storms arose in my life doing the course of this book at times When I felt like given up. In the future my number one Desire is that by My writing this book this will be another Tool that Jesus can use to Mend the Broken Hearted, Heal the Sick, Rescue the lost and help to What the World calls the Down and Outers. I asked the Lord to let My Life Story, My Trials be a light that will shine in Millions of others Hearts as Well as their lives. I’m looking for this book to have such a great Impact On lives Worldwide. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing many story’s as to How others are being blessed and changed by Reading My Book. This Book was just a plan to number one Aide in contributing to uplifting God’s Kingdom by reaching others who are going through difficult times In their lives as well as the ones who have been hurt in so many other Ways in their past and they feel Trapped and can’t see no way up and out Of their situations.