Teach Us How To Pray

A Complete Bible Study For Your Daily Life of Prayer

by Mike E. Cater Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/10/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 171
ISBN : 9781465364524
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 171
ISBN : 9781465364531

About the Book

My reason for writing this Bible study guide on prayer is to reintroduce everyone to the real basics for a successful prayer life. I want to give everyone a true sense of a relationship with a real all-powerful God. Our Savior-God wants a relationship that is totally honest concerning a Holy God and His Chosen People.

Christian prayers are not being answered today for several reasons. God’s word is trying to give us a peaceful heart through our baptism by faith in Jesus Christ. Since we have been ‘quickened’ or made alive with God in Christ Jesus we need to put our will worship aside and worship our savior Jesus Christ.
Matthew 6:1-15
I want to let God’s Word help us rediscover our Christian prayer life. To do this, we need to re-examine our views of The Living, All Powerful God of the Universe! The best place to begin is in Matthew 6, where Jesus tries to introduce us to proper prayer life. Then, after we re-examine our Heavenly Father, I want to examine the hindrances to a successful prayer life that we commit because of our sinful daily walk, according to James 4:1-17.

I want to also discuss at least 5 ways that God does answer prayer. I realize that there are many ways to examine this part of our study, but we need to be honest with ourselves.


About the Author