Money Thief

The life and times of a master Till-Tapper. A self-portrait of a former thief and drug addict

by James E. ''J.J.'' Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 119
ISBN : 9781469125268
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 119
ISBN : 9781469125275

About the Book

“Money Thief” traces my path from the age of twelve to sixty-five, through numerous prison terms, heroin addictions, several marriages, and finally, to redemption. Each chapter, or mini-story, chronicles some significant event in my life. While each event did in fact occur, their chronological sequences may not be one-hundred percent accurate. Over the passage of time, coupled with vast amounts of drugs consumed, my recollection of times and places may have been somewhat eroded, By writing this story, I hope to illuminate the fact that no matter how far afield one may wander, redemption is not only possible, with diligence of purpose and focus, it is attainable. The life I led, although influenced by various factors beyond my control, was the product of my bad choices; just as my choice of redemption was the result of my own decisions and actions. My frivolous pursuit to discover and understand the enigmatic world around me has led me on a destructive path of heartache and misery; and broken dreams that seemed beyond repair. Yet, with diligence, hard work, and a constantly evolving mind-set, I have met the awesome challenge of rehabilitation, and have firmly grasped the reins of recovery from the diabolical hands of crime, prison, and drug addiction. -James E. “J.J.” Jones, Oct., 2010

About the Author
