Recipes for Prayer

(For those who want more of God)

by Babatunde AJIMOTI



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/04/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781469197586
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 133
ISBN : 9781469197579

About the Book

Why is Prayer a MUST and should be done unceasingly by every man? In Recipes for Prayer, the nature and power of prayer, its ultimate purpose and the different means by which fulfillment can be attained were examined. Most importantly, the book invites you to actually experience and make prayer an essential part of your life and walk with God.

About the Author

Ajimoti is deeply committed to developing a deep relationship with God, which is his passion. Due to the nature of his secular job, he had opportunities to minister the Word of God in the Caribbean in addition to his home country. He ministers in churches, youth conferences, workers’ seminars, and leaders’ retreats. Ajimoti is happily married to Omowumi Adekemi née Omojola, and they are blessed with four children. He is also the author of Recipes for Prayer and Echoes of His Voice.