Seeds of Faith

A Collection of Encouragements

by Stephanie Henderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/12/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 95
ISBN : 9781479740437
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 95
ISBN : 9781479740444

About the Book

This book is a collection of church sermons delivered by the Chaplains at APG Chapel . My notes were written so that I could share the word of God with my children. New ways of communicating the word to our youth in the 21 century must be found. Adults must find a way to get the attention of our youth via music, videos, mp3, social media, etc. Seeds of Faith is a great way to encourage and touch the lives of my children as well as all of God’s children young and old. Real life everyday situations are discussed to clarify the meaning of the scripture passages. The story of Joseph is especially profound as it reveals how our dreams have meaning. Children and all people must dream and have a vision in their heart and mind in order to fulfill the purposeful life that God calls all of us to live. Each and every person in this world is important and meant to be on this earth. What each person chooses to do with their spiritual gifts and talents determines their path in life. This book is written to share the word of God and to help people understand and communicate with our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that each and every person who reads this book may draw closer to God and/or begin a relationship with God through Jesus Christ

About the Author

STEPHANIE HENDERSON is a professional in the Telecommunications Industry who enjoys reading tremendously. She has taken these notes in Church for the past several years and decided to share her learning with her children and the world. She lives in Maryland with her husband and they have 6 children and 4 grandchildren.