Abundant Living

Daily Meditations and affirmations to live an amazing and awesome life!

by Angela Bates



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/02/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781664150911

About the Book

Burn out is real! Life can stress us to the point where we retreat and become paralyzed. Too often, we experience fatigue, stress, or depression but we do not have to live a stressful life. We simply can take the time to practice self care techniques whatever is unique to you, and you will notice that you will be able to handle any obstacle that may be in your way. Invariably, take some time out for yourself and leave the cares of the world behind. It starts by changing the way you think about life. Change your mindset. Remove negative thinking by turning those thoughts into positive beliefs. Watch God step in and accomplish the most amazing things in your life.

About the Author

Angela Bates received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology at the University of Maryland Global Campus. She received her Masters of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She currently counsels’ individuals at a practice in Maryland. In her spare time, she hosts vision board parties for women and men. She teaches deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation techniques so that individuals can live a happy, fulfilling, and stress-free life…just the way God intended.