Living in the Heart of Prayer

by Damion Clarke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/12/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 318
ISBN : 9781514434284

About the Book

This book is a very intriguing one. It captivates the reader from the very first chapter. It is one that highlights prayer in its entirety. It purports that prayer is an intricate experience that must characterize the life of every individual. Quite a number of prayers were extrapolated from the Bible; the actual prayers are written, but the concepts are presented. Anyone who reads this book will have an enthralling imprint made on his or her life. It challenges you to be intimate with God at all times and in every situation. As a result of its appealing taste, the reader will be inundated in awe. It is God-driven and heaven-sent.

About the Author

Damion Attou Clarke is a native of Jamaica, born in the parish of St. James. He is the author of the book My Struggle. He acquired a bachelor of arts degree in religion and theology from Northern Caribbean University. He serves as a district pastor with the oversight of ten congregations. He is married to Sasha, and together they have produced two wonderful children, Attou-Lee and Attou-Nique. Damion is very passionate about reaching people with the Gospel through whatever means possible. He is one who believes that whatever struggle you encounter in life, there is always a way out, and the first step is to pray.