The Bully Bench

by Kimberly Monday Lewis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/01/2017

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781524576332
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781524576325

About the Book

The Bully Bench is a fictional story, based on authentic events that unfolded at a public school that involved adult female teachers. When words are used as weapons to hurt and harm another, when part of a conversation is shared, eliminating parts of truth, or rewording in such a way, as to condemn or darken the light of another, a word picture is painted and can have devastating life changing consequences. If given a choice, we make these decisions daily, to speak darkness or light into our own lives and the lives of others, speak light, speak life, so that all may benefit from words that shine, share and spotlight all that is good, all that is true and all that is pleasing to one another.

About the Author

An aspiring author, a lover of great reads, especially children’s books, a dabbler in drawing and have just completed my first book, The Bully Bench. A fictional book pulled from authentic life events about the value of words, how they either help or harm as they travel from mouth to mouth, twisting and turning as they reach a final resting place. A retired elementary school teacher, I wore many different hats in my teaching career, touching the lives of many children, however, it is the blessing of working with children that has been the continued highlight, and hat that most blessed me. To have had the privilege and honor of spending time with children that are each fearfully, wonderfully and uniquely created filled my heart with joy, my head with memorable child life experiences and hands with the meaningful task of making educational memories that were surrounded with laughter, life and love. My name is Kimberly Monday Lewis, I was born and reared in Commerce, Texas. I married my high school sweetheart Dave. At that time, he was a Marine, we were very young, Dave was twenty, I was eighteen. I had not seen or experienced an ocean until I married and moved. I fell in love with coastal waters, my first walk along the beach, I found a perfect sand dollar. Our marriage has been blessed with two amazing children and five delightful grandchildren. We are close to celebrating our thirty-ninth wedding anniversary. Other passions are hiking, sailing, and travel. We have hiked various places across the United States. Probably our most interesting hike took place this past May in the state of Montana. Hiking Avalanche Trail, we came across a grizzly bear. We have great pictures and video footage. Dave did a great job capturing the moment, I did not remain in the woods with Dave and the bear. I enjoyed viewing the bear and his habitat footage from the comfort of our vacation condo. We also sail. We sail at Lake Texoma as often as possible on a thirty-eight foot sail boat named the Jady-bug, after our first born granddaughter, Jadyn. In 2015—we sailed our first Flotilla. We sailed with about ten other boats, from Bellingham, Washington, through the San Juan Islands, to Victoria, Canada and back. Currently I am working on my second children's book. It is based on the adventures of a sailboat that is trying to find her place in this world; it is both humorous and informative. Finally, travel is a passion of mine. I enjoy meeting new people, seeing new places, and experiencing new things.