Healthcare 3.0
How Technology Is Driving the Transition to Prosumers, Platforms and Outsurance
Book Details
About the Book
Over the coming years, health care will encounter some of the greatest transitions any generation has ever had to face. The convergence of exponential technologies will transform medicine and health care in ways that sounded like science fiction a mere decade ago and dramatically disrupt our very notion of patients, providers, and payers. This book takes a look at how technology is set to elevate patients to prosumers, help migrate care delivery from a pipeline-based approach to a platform-based one, and transform our current insurance-based payment system to an outsurance-based system.
About the Author
Rubin Pillay boasts a thirty year career of impressive successes in healthcare as a clinician, academic, leader and innovator/entrepreneur. A leading medical futurist and Professor of Healthcare Innovation, he is currently the Assistant Dean at the School of Medicine, and the Chief Innovation Officer of the Health System at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. He is a Family Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist who holds a PhD in Business Administration. He has substantial international teaching and consulting experience and a global reputation as a healthcare innovation and innovation management specialist. He is widely published in the field of Strategic Health Leadership and his current work focuses on the role of Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the transformation of health and healthcare. He is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health.