The Blessing of Pain

by Scretta Hamilton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/05/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781984529923

About the Book

The Blessing of Pain isn't just a book, but it's a part of me. The importance of writing this memoir is to shed light on issues that I've faced and to give a solution on how to overcome these particular struggles. This piece is known as my transparent treasure. I birthed this book through pain but produced power through the process. The Holy Spirit gave me wisdom on how to use my trials and victories as a tool to empower others. With this being said, I turned this book into a manual, workbook, and a guide to remind everyone that there is purpose for their pain. I covered topics such as rejection, molestation, rape, lies, character assassination, loneliness, sickness, relationship problems, drinking, hopelessness, brokenness, depression, and much more. We as people face these mountains, but sometimes we don't understand why or how to maneuver through them. This is where this book comes into handy. This manual consists of Godly wisdom to strategically triumph over obstacle that we may face. As you read, pay attention to my journey, complete the interactive part in each section, and retain the information given. Then you will gain the victory when you encounter various trials. Remember, there is a blessing for your pain and lessons you must maintain. After going through the process, embrace all the wisdom you've gain.

About the Author

Scretta Hamilton is a Minister, Model and Actress. She graduated from Valor University with a diploma in Evangelism Studies and Life Christian University with a diploma in Theology. She also graduated from one of the most reputable talent development industry, which is AMTC (Actors, Models, Talent for Christ), in Atlanta Georgia. This ministry launches performers into media and expose them to VIPs in film, fashion, music and theatre. This was one major door that pushed her towards her dream. After being accepted in AMTC, Scretta knew there was more to her than the ordinary, she was extraordinary. She then audition for John Casablancas and got signed with their agency MTM. She uses her passion, such as ministry, modeling and acting, as a platform to empower everyone she comes into contact with. This book, The blessing of pain is Scretta's testimony on how she went from broken to blessed, through obeying God's word. Scretta Hamilton is the child of the late Thomas Hamilton and Barbara Hamilton. She has five sisters and four brothers.