Faith, Hope and Love

by Angela Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/06/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781984527769

About the Book

Faith, Hope and Love is a collection of poems I’ve written the last twenty-two years. Many of them were written with magnetic words and what I had/was experiencing at the time. I want to remind readers they are not alone. If you just hold on and have faith, God will carry you through every storm.

About the Author

I'm a Christian, musician & poet. Growing up in KS, I've enjoyed playing/performing the accordion & piano. The summer of 1996, I started writing poetry, some published & I've received awards. I've had a difficult medical past, 14 brain surgeries, 8 in 5 months, among other neurological complications. Yet, God has blessed me with many gifts! Doctors said I wouldn't live, I'm 41. He gives me life each new day, most importantly eternal life. The last 22 years, God has proven His time is best. When I wait/trust Him, He blesses me beyond my imagination & every dream!