A Prayer Guide for Kids

by Kasey Jordan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/08/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781796047486

About the Book

This book is the first few steps to help people of all ages find their way to God and Jesus. Help others find different ways of praying to God. If you start praying, but don’t know what to say, this book will help with that. If you’re having trouble finding time to pray to God this book can help you with that. This book can also put you in perspective on how to see things from God’s perspective on one major sacrifice he made. This book can introduce you to who God and Jesus if you don’t have history with him.

About the Author

About Kasey A fourteen year old girl who has a passion for God and Jesus. She wants to help others find and pray to them as well. She’s made a book to help others find their ways and times to pray to God. She doesn’t want to force the message of God and Jesus on anybody, but she wants to spread it to as many people as possible. She tries to be helpful to people of all ages. She has written other narratives that are soon to be published. She likes to think of this book as the first few steps to help people find a relationship with God.