The Habit of Spring

Collected Poems 2019

by Carmine Giordano



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/06/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781796041538
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781796041545

About the Book

The Habit of Spring is a collection of poems that celebrates our amazement and resilience as human beings as we become aware of our place in the universe and understand that after thirteen billion years of cataclysm and chaos, nature has evolved in us the capacity to be aware of itself, to know that it knows, to see that it sees. Self-awareness brings with it a relentless drive to delve deep into the heart of the matter to find the what, where, when, how, and why of our existence and then try to find the most exact and adequate way to express and communicate our discoveries. The poems in this collection try to tell how it feels when the sky falls in on us on a night full of stars, how we want at times to coalesce with other beings, how to return to the original singularity of creation, how we struggle to assert our will against the genetic algorithms that determine our relations, how we try to end the cold of our isolated existence by inventing divine beings who love us, or how we grieve when we realize our finality in the dying of garden flowers. Mostly, the poems keep taking us back to hope, urging us to align ourselves repeatedly with the thrust of the first moment, heed the sweet discomfort come back in the blood, the habit of spring, the possibility that returns again and again—and again!

About the Author