Pinch Me I Must Be Dreaming

by Robert Mang



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/09/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781796050295
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781796050301

About the Book

Without a doubt, my mother was the major influence in my life. Most, if not all, of my values are the result of her unconditional love and her unwavering willingness to inspire me with the wisdom of her values; the foundation of my moral being. Primary was her belief in the “GOLDEN RULE.” Treat others, as you would have others treat you. She set the standard for me in parenting, the single most important role in life. She taught me that the true test of character is how we face life’s problems and focus on joy and fulfillment. She taught me to reach for the stars; I might just catch one. She was right. As you’ll see, I caught more than my fair share of stars. So Pinch Me, I must be dreaming is the best possible phrase to describe my amazing journey through life.

About the Author

Born in suburban philadelphia on the leading edge of the baby boom and growing up in the post world war two suburban sprawl, bob mang optimistically embraced the american dream. Following in his mother’s footsteps, bob was able to live his “pinch me i must be dreaming" life, have an amazing career in fashion retailing, and enjoy an incredible family life, traveling the world and sharing many of the wonderful experiences you will read about in this memoir, with friends, business associates and most importantly family.