Baloney Sandwich Remembrances

by Noel J. Doyle Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/08/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781664120136

About the Book

This anthology embraces my thirty-five years of enjoyment writing poetic verse embracing the two pillars of my narrative style, humor and rhyme. I trace the genesis of my interest in poetry to a military attaché assignment in Prague, Czechoslovakia, where I composed poems embodying the theme “This Was Your Life Behind the Iron Curtain” upon the departure of several attaché colleagues. Since that time, I have written some 150 pieces of verse on a wide variety of subjects including family, objects (e.g., grand piano/slot machines), places, and situations (e.g., travel/baseball). This book is my poetic legacy to family and friends.

About the Author

My name is Noel Doyle. I was born and raised in Rhode Island, where I graduated from Providence College in 1958. Shortly thereafter, I entered the US Army and spent the next thirty years in many locations, including seven years in Germany, three in Czechoslovakia, and two tours in Vietnam. I retired from the military in 1989 with the rank of colonel. My wife, Carol, passed away in 2019 after fifty-nine years of marriage. I have three grown children.