

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/03/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 950
ISBN : 9781664147119
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 950
ISBN : 9781664147126

About the Book

A hornbook and textbook – it explains the basics, fundamentals and rudiments of Criminal Law and conjunctively delves further into the legal texts and treatises upon which established precedents on the subject are based, wherewith the book descants the more subtle and perplexing issues and legal principles as pronounced by the High Court in the cases discussed and cited in this work. This volume contains an aggregate of four hundred and forty (440) cases, showing the facts on how the crime was perpetuated, and in plain and easy language the meaning of the legal provisions being discussed, carefully selected and culled from more than a century of Supreme Court decisions. The presentation deviates from the conventional method of article by article sequence of discussion, and instead sunders them into various segments according to the issues posed and the legal doctrines applied and discussed, with review materials – in outline form – on several aoristic and obscure areas interjected between the segments. By the described method of instruction, further guided by the syllabi systematically interwoven with a quick search subject index, thereby modifying the format of the index section to find easy-to-find additional review materials, the readers – the legal researchers, the students of criminal law, the bar and board reviewees and the police officers alike – would find ease in learning and understanding Criminal Law.

About the Author

FORTY-THREE (43) YEARS A LAWYER – … a barrister, a legal advocate, an educator, an adjudicator, and a public servant, the septuagenarian author has gone through almost every facet of the legal field in almost half a century of his legal practice. For more than half a decade, he was a Summary Hearing Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and for more than a decade subsequent thereto, a Legal Officer of the National Police Commission later designated to head the Technical Service (Legal) Department of its CALABARZON Region, at the same time discharging the functions of a Summary Hearing Officer – hearing and adjudicating administrative and disciplinary cases against police officers, and by reason of his office, was an active member of various provincial advisory councils and committees in both the provinces of Cavite and Laguna, Philippines. Likewise during his term and until he retired from government service, he was the Commission’s core resource Speaker / Lecturer on the various facets of police service, including, among many others, courses and lessons on “Police Administrative Offenses and Penalties,” “Police Administrative and Criminal Machineries,” “Legal Defenses in Police Administrative Cases,” “Legal Defenses in Law Enforcement,” “The Criminal Justice System,” “The Anti-Graft Laws in the Philippines,” “Appreciation of Evidence in police Administrative Cases,” “The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act,” “The Law Regulating Hazing and Other Forms of Initiation Rites in School Fraternities and Sororities,” and “Effective Decision and Legal Writing.” His first book (unpublished) on Pleadings, Practice and Procedure before police disciplinary bodies which he co-authored with his son, Deogenes Jr., is now undergoing revision. As an educator, he was a professional lecturer in Business Law for five years at the Imus Institute in Imus City, Cavite and for more than a decade a professor in Commercial Law and Criminal Law, Criminal Evidence and Criminal procedure at the Calamba City campus of the University of Perpetual Help System-DALTA. He retired from government service and returned to active law practice in 2013 while retaining his engagement as a Criminal Law professor of the same university in Calamba City, Laguna.