Worlds Worth

Inspired by actual events from the life of Kwane’ Johnson

by Megan Lynn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/10/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781669844457

About the Book

Worlds Worth is Megan Lynn’s first written novel which is inspired by actual events from the life of her cousin Kwane’ Johnson. This book tells the story of a young adolescent growing up in a broken home. Raised by her great grandmother and her children Kwane’ is surrounded by corruption and hate. From a dysfunctional household to the devastating conditions of the behavioral health systems Kwane’ narrates her story. Kwane’ Johnson’s story embodies perseverance through an emotional upbringing and a tainted past. The various child placement centers mentioned in the book she has really touched bases in all of them. These are the true events which molded Kwane’ into the adult she is now. Her story takes you on a journey from the age of 12 years old to 18 years old leaving you with cliff hanging suspense with what is to become of her life in Part2. Stay Tuned!

About the Author