(Prophetic Spiritual Guidebook)

by Rabbi Elliot Hass



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/02/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 390
ISBN : 9781669860563
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 390
ISBN : 9781669860556

About the Book

In this book, you will learn: There is an ancient calendar that connects Heaven to Earth. Before the Bible was written, God’s appointed times as written in Leviticus were observed. What God did on those appointed calendar dates in the past, is what He is doing today, and what He is going to do in the future. How God is still unfolding His calendar in a revelation to us today and manifesting Himself to us through every part of His calendar. Here you will find the meaning of your salvation experience in Messiah Y’shua (Jesus) through the times and seasons of His calendar. You will find out the many ways believers in His true church have been lied to. The scriptures say the truth will set you free. You will find out how these appointed times with their teachings are shown beautifully in the shadow of many events in the world today. You will see some appointed times that will be proclaimed in the future but are hidden to many today. This is a book that can be used to disciple and train people in the Word, knowing His voice, and living the kingdom life He placed in every born-again believer. This will prophetically and spiritually prepare you for what is coming quickly upon this world . . .

About the Author

Elliot Hass is a Messianic Jewish rabbi who resides in El Paso, Texas, where he and his wife Kristina lead a fellowship of believers in Y’shua (Jesus) the Messiah. The name of the ministry is Kol Haruach Messianic Fellowship (meaning voice or sound of the Spirit). He has been in the ministry since 2006, going full-time since 2009. Every Saturday morning on the Sabbath, he gives powerful and applicable teachings that correspond to the weekly Torah portions. Most of them are available on YouTube. You can see them by going to https://www.youtube.com/@kolharuachmessianicfellows3891. His email is kolharuach@gmail.com.