Hazza the Huntsman

by Terri Wynn-Ward Illustrated by Salvador Capuyan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/05/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9798369491676
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9798369491669

About the Book

Hazza the Huntsman is not as scary as he looks, and neither is the Nanna whose house he is hiding in. One fateful day both Hazza and Nanna learn that the things that they had always believed about one another were not exactly the truth. They listened, and they thought carefully about what Nanna's neighbour Biddy had to say. This simple little story teaches all of us the importance of being willing to challenge our beliefs about one another, so that the world will be a safer place for everyone.

About the Author

I first fell in love with Australia as a 9-year-old, in a geography class in a little thatched school building. I was born in the USA but spent most of my childhood at a little mission station in the highlands of Papua New Guinea where we had little contact with the outside world. Books took me everywhere I wanted to go in my imagination, and Australia was top of the list. My dreams came true when, in Dec 1977, I arrived in Australia on a student nurse visa. I am now a grandmother, living on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast, and I have never stopped reading, or loving Australia. I also love children, so I have combined my passions in this story book about a very lovable Huntsman spider.