Slight of Hand
Albeit appears from
the same deck
a different hand of cards
each do we get.
Some flush with aces
standard gold
with them
can go bold.
Others get
and low suits
a rickety table
to boot.
What is in another’s hand
you just do not know
So you can not say
in observing their play
What a ridiculously stupid
or wrong way to go.
Or blurt a self-righteous
“I would never have done that!”
It’s impossible to know
how you would act
when your hand doesn’t hold
the exact card-of-facts.
So before you say
about another’s play
of their days
What the heck!
Ponder how against them
may be
stacked the deck.
March 5, 2023
Oh, We Like Sheep!
In every life seasons
there are good reasons
for the way in which
Creation was done
Lambs led to still waters
in Psalms 23
among the many
You and me
are likened to lambs
because we can be
just like sheep
pretty dumb
Sheep's wool can absorb 60%
of its weight in water
before it will ever feel wet
That’s why in winter endeavors
in lands Hinter
cold and wet
to keep warm
wearing wool is
the bold’s
best bet
But a lamb drinking
in rough waters
would absorb so much water
without ever blinking
or even thinking
she would be sinking
and her Maker would soon
back her get!
July 30, 2022
Just Right
Oh God, how I want a world
without color vs white
Where a woman can walk
in safety
in day or at night
And children go to school
without hunger or fright.
It seems hard and heavy
when Your yoke is easy
and Your burden light.
May I, today, with all of my might
Be and do
for my neighbor
what You've taught me is right.
September 14, 2020
Press Pause
The cause for the pause
may be sundry or few
culling sleep from all dusks to
every new dew
Was it something you said
or who’s been in your bed
after promises made
to whom you are wed?
Perhaps the battle is
in your head
Though not caused by you,
your Some One’s still dead.
A childhood stolen with no such way to see through
to justice that is
much long overdue.
Whatever the reason
for the season you find yourself in
whether accidental, unconscious or intentional sin
Tend to your heart’s garden so
bitter weed growth
does not spirit, too, win.
Be still in your pain
until silence begins
growing grace and forgiveness of self
from within
and Love’s healing
insight dawns for you
once again.
October 12, 2022
Friends with Benefits
Oh God of all and all divine
Grateful am I that I am Yours
and You are mine!
Whether adding jewels to my crown
or committing a crime
You are there in an eye blink
whenever I call.
Not just to pick me up
after pride’s fall
but to ravish me with love
for eternity’s all.
I’m forgiven and cleansed; that’s all I know.
In spite of the number of lines I don’t tow
You paid the price for me
and so
I should to my neighbors joyfully go
And into their broken hearts soils’ sow.
The seeds of grace
and love clear to eternity’s end
All the while I have the privilege
of Your calling me, friend.
October 20, 2020
Seeing Things
Throughout every season
I’ve sought out a reason
for my
being stuck on press-pause.
Yet, to this 71st date
but for just being fate
I have not hit upon a remedy
or epiphanied on cause.
Reading a Barbara Brown Taylor book
has prompted me to take
another look
at why I don’t sleep
through the night though
I’ve tried to do so
with all of my might,
that I may grow old
with a brain that’s
still right.
Perhaps it is not meant to be
within my own power
that I solve my wakefulness
at ungodly hours.
After all, during the day
with my busy ways
I don’t have the time
to write even
one rhyme.
It isn’t until
I am stilled
in the night
that I am given
rather than sight.
April 6, 2023
Open Wide
These days when it seems
not eye to eye we much see
I believe there’s something
on which we all can agree
And that’s on the one professional
we least like to see
With any -
if at all -
With those twice-a-year cleanings
I always comply
But I’m not going to sit here
and to your face lie!
No, the love of the drill-
it’s not a thing I can fake
Oh, to have just brushed
and flossed more
and eaten less chocolate cake.
I lose my nerve
as down the canal the files go
Like a gondolier,
just more excruciatingly slow.
In claiming as mine
a real gold crown
I would have to rob
the biggest bank in town.
I’m bracing for the day
when Sissy’s teeth
are finally straight
And praying Junior’s
can avoid
a similar fate
Otherwise, it’s back
to my working
overtime late.
I’d rather not become
an indentured anything
Yet, those implants are such
a chunk of cha-ching
to get them means pawning
my very best bling!
Maybe I’ll solve the problem
by making my teeth,
oh so white
that I mesmerize deer
as I drive home at night.
October 14, 2020