Christ Gives Women Ministries & Not Fasting But Prayer

by Irene Bonney Faulkes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/02/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781456827748
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781456806606

About the Book

Women faced abuse for millennia although Eve was made a blessing for all. They were first preachers of the resurrection. Priscilla is noted as pastor with four prophetesses. Then Paul acknowledged many women as apostles and pastors. John wrote to a woman pastor. Difficult verses are shown to have solutions advantageous to women. Christ gave ministry gifts to His people, women alongside men. No distinction is made between them. There is not a verse forbidding women to preach or prophesy. Paul encouraged equality. Fasting is treated culturally, religiously and Jewish fashion. God gave fasting for the Day of Atonement. The Jews introduced other fasts. Nehemiah’s and Isaiah’s fasts are explained. Christendom introduced fasting from Jewry and paganism. Christ’s forty days of temptation when He went without food, sustained by the Spirit, was made examples for others, who to fast, should be and so do like Him. Holy Ghost praying is the answer. He is intercessor through us in other tongues that came in the baptism with the Spirit. God hears and answers supernaturally. Mysteries are spoken and gifts of the Spirit bestowed.

About the Author