The Fear of Love, Loss, and Friendships

by Jamie Harris



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/10/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 207
ISBN : 9781479734733
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 207
ISBN : 9781479734726
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 207
ISBN : 9781479734740

About the Book

“Wait!” she called, her strained voice surprising her, but he didn’t slow down. She sped up when she reached the corner, almost falling over and then catching her balance again. Marlena stopped at the end of the hall, wondering what way he went.

“What do you want?” The voice came from behind, making her jump. Honestly, she didn’t know the answer to the question, she hadn’t thought of running after him, she just ran.

“What. Do. You. Want”, he asked again, emphasizing each word. Marley took a deep breath, attempting to control every nerve in her body, and turned to face him.

Marlena Burks’ life was turned upside down after her brother’s death and now, three months later, she is just starting to move on, but when she meets Elijah everything is brought back to the surface. He’s a reminder of everything she has lost but he also takes her away from reality, something she’d longed for since her brother passed. He is a mystery and that excites her, but curiosity brings something bigger than a new found relationship with the man of her dreams.

About the Author

Jamie Harris was born in Whangarei, North Island of New Zealand in 1997, in 1999 moving with her family to Australia, and after a number of years of moving around to finally settle in Mackay since 2003. Being a part of a large family, with two older sisters and two younger brothers, Jamie has always had a passion for books. Even at a very young age she could be found hiding in cupboards, under beds and self-made cubbies to find solitude with her books and imagination. At fourteen Jamie started to talk about a book she’d started writing, she introduced us to her characters and story line with excitement that danced in her eyes. Our assumptions of this story fading into the shadows and being filed under the ‘typical started and never finished’ isle were soon abolished as her countless hand written notebooks and pages began appearing everywhere. Her hours of homework integrated with story lines and frantic writing. She would run out of the kitchen while in the middle of doing the dishes, or even in the middle of conversation to jot down ideas that had popped into her head. Now at fifteen years old there is one word we can all agree on. Pride!