The Imperfect Circle

The forgotten Lord's Prayer

by Yaw Obeng



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/01/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781456852955
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781456852948
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781456852962

About the Book

Over the centuries the religious calendar has pursued its unchanging annual repeating orbit and successive generations of mankind have obediently participated in its ceremonies from their cradles to their graves. In turn, they all came to know that Faith must be built on a foundation of Truth—and yet, hypocritically, in turn no one addressed the fallacies and enigmas which abound in the bedrock. Th is written piece is the presentation of the truth and to God be all the glory for I live only to serve.

About the Author

From my birth in an inconsequential African village to my elusive pursuit of Utopian life in Europe, I have appreciated how superfi cial life has been on a personal level despite what the ignorant may defi ne as signifi cant achievements. Constant battles against a hostile environment made me seek sanctuary in my own solitude and I became a philosopher comforted in my isolation by the works of Francis Cabrel, Pierre Bachlet, Alexandre Dumas, Th eophile Gauthier, Simon and Garfunkel, Verdi, Luigi Boccherini, Mozart, Maria Willis Love and Abba. Th ese all served to maintain my sanity and clarity of thinking. In the face of much chaos my faith has remained passionate and I live only to serve. To God be all the glory.