Praying Your Struggle

Your Body as a Tool for Victorious Prayer

by Lynda Wyngaard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/07/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 199
ISBN : 9781453514412

About the Book

“Praying your Struggle” is a prayer guide with a difference. It is peppered with anecdotes of the author’s own struggle to pray on her daily prayer walks. She describes how she learned to see her body as a tool for prayer. Mind, heart, will, hands, feet – all are daily offered to God, and then clothed with the full armour of God. Scriptures become the words of her prayer, and she is rewarded with new strength and vision. She invites the reader to try it, adding various suggested ways this can be done.

About the Author

Lynda Wyngaard is an Anglican priest living in South Africa. First teaching in a seminary, then pastoring inner city and suburban parishes in Johannesburg, she later moved to a parish in Pietermaritzburg in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. She is married to Peter (a theological educator) and has two sons, Richard (also a priest), and Luke (a guitarist). Lynda has a passion for helping people grow spiritually as they journey with Christ. Her interests include running retreats, devising liturgies and writing and recording songs for worship.